10 Emotional TV and Movie Scenes That Still Wound Today

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Written By William Butterworth

Will Butterworth first started reporting on entertainment news when he was a kid in Barney pajamas giving news reports to his parents while sitting in a cardboard box. Now, he still sits in a cardboard box, but his audience has grown in number (at least that's what his mom tells him). Entertainment junkies unite!

Discover 10 emotional scenes that have left an indelible mark on viewers. These are moments in film and TV that live rent-free in your mind. Gear up for a rollercoaster of emotions and amazing storytelling.

Love Actually (2003)

Love Actually
Image Credit: Universal Pictures

For a lot of people who watched Love Actually, the most devastating moment was when Emma Thompson’s character found the present she believes her husband got for her. In reality, she discovers he’s having an affair. It’s a gut punch that people still feel years later.

Buffy the Vampire Slayer (1997-2003)

Buffy the Vampire Slayer
Image Credit: Walt Disney Television

There are quite a few tear-worthy moments in Buffy the Vampire Slayer. One of the most poignant is when Buffy comes home to find her mother dead on the sofa. Her brain recedes to her inner child, and her quiet “Mommy?” is as haunting as it is heartbreaking.

Brokeback Mountain (2005)

Brokeback Mountain
Image Credit: Focus Features

Brokeback Mountain follows the love story between two men – one still struggling with his sexuality. One of the most painful scenes is when Ennis, played by Heath Ledger, watches his lover drive off. He thinks it’s the last time he’s going to see him, and the agony on his face and the way he’s violent to himself are both alarming and painful to watch.

Schindler’s List (1993)

Girl in the Red Coat
Image Credit: Universal Pictures

There are a ton of tough moments that stick with you long after watching this movie. The girl in the red coat is one of those. However, one of the most painful moments in the movie is right at the end.

After the war is over, Schindler finally breaks down and says that he could saved more. To see a strong character finally break is something that sticks with you for a long time.

Forrest Gump (1994)

Forrest Gump
Image Credit: Paramount Pictures

Forrest Gump is a movie about hope and loss and overcoming the odds. So, when Gump learns that he has a child, seeing him immediately worry that the child inherited the same condition plaguing him is truly horrifying.

It’s a beautiful performance that stands out from the other scenes in the film.

Moulin Rouge! (2001)

Moulin Rouge
Image Credit: Twentieth Century Fox

This musical starts quite whimsical and even silly; however, the ending is one of the most tragic scenes in musical history. Hearing Christian’s desperate pleas for his dead lover puts a somber note on the otherwise fun and flashy movie.

Hereditary (2018)

Image Credit: A24

While Hereditary is, at its heart, a horror movie, there’s a depiction of grief that is so raw and real that it’s hard not to take with you. After the death of her daughter, Toni Collette gives an incredible performance of how deep the grief goes.

From her wailing to her body-shaking sobs, it’s almost too raw to be comfortable.

Andor (2022-)

Image Credit: Disney+

While there are a few sad scenes in the series, Andor, nothing prepares audience members for the final scene in the prison break episode. After getting to know the no-nonsense Kino who is in charge of a particular cell block, you can’t help but root for him when the prisoners riot.

Just as everyone is about to jump to their freedom, you find out that Kino can’t swim. He’s left behind as everyone else jumps into the water to swim free. It was a heart-stopping moment that broke hearts everywhere.

Daredevil (2015-2018)

Image Credit: Netflix

Jon Bernthal knows how to push himself and others to their limits when it comes to acting. One of the most emotional scenes in Daredevil is when the titular character finds Frank Castle, played by Bernthal, in the graveyard with his family. Castle gives a powerful speech that shakes both Daredevil and the audience to its core.

The Sopranos (1999-2007)

The Sopranos
Image Credit: HBO

When Carmela discovers that Tony has been cheating on her, she unleashes a fury like a woman truly scorned. Edie Falco tore into that scene and made it so raw that it’s left an impression on audiences ever since.

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Pride and Prejudice Focus Features
Image Credit: Focus Features

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Image Credit: Paramount Pictures

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Bohemian Rhapsody 20th Century
Image Credit: 20th Century Fox

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