Ultimate Frozen Quiz: Are You Arendelle Royalty?

Jake C
Written By Jake C

Jake's favorite movie list is full of "based on a true story" classics like Cinderella Man. He has a simple taste in movies and often wonders in disbelief at how anyone actually enjoys some "critically acclaimed" movies.

In the winter of 2013, Disney unveiled a spectacle that would soon crystallize as a defining moment in animated filmmaking history. “Frozen,” directed by Chris Buck and Jennifer Lee, brought a whirlwind of magic, music, and emotion that captivated audiences worldwide. Loosely draped in the threads of Hans Christian Andersen’s “The Snow Queen,” “Frozen” weaved a narrative so powerful that it not only charmed children but resonated deeply with adults.

The story of royal sisters Anna and Elsa, voiced by the talented Kristen Bell and Idina Menzel, is a tale that transcends the typical fairy tale arc. Anna’s fearless optimism and Elsa’s icy struggle introduce a complex relationship set against the backdrop of a kingdom locked in eternal winter. With a supporting cast that includes Jonathan Groff, Josh Gad, and Santino Fontana, the film unravels a storyline as intricate and beautiful as a snowflake pattern designed by the technology developed for the movie itself.

The groundbreaking animation, under the careful orchestration of Christophe Beck’s music alongside the Lopez duo’s writing, turned “Frozen” into not just a movie, but a phenomenon. Garnering over $1.280 billion globally, it became the highest-grossing animated film and won a flurry of accolades including two Academy Awards, a Golden Globe, and two Grammy Awards. Each character’s voice, each strand of Elsa’s 420,000 CGI hair strands, contributed to a cultural juggernaut that would inspire a franchise, including shorts, a featurette, and a sequel that would further explore the depths of Arendelle.

Now, as the snow settles, it’s time to revisit the blizzard of trivia that makes “Frozen” a standout masterpiece. Are you ready to test the extent of your knowledge? Aficionados and casual fans alike, here is your chance to prove your ardor for this wintry tale. Shake off the snowflakes and let your “Frozen” trivia prowess shine!