Sick Day Survival Guide: How to Pick Your Sick Day Streaming Options

Liz R.
Written By Liz R.

Liz R. is a writer and educator in Indiana with an MFA in Creative Writing. She has been writing and teaching about movies, TV, and books for years. You can find her on TikTok

Unfortunately, we’ve had some sick days in our house lately. One of the only perks of a sick day is getting to stay in bed and catch up on TV or movies.

So what makes a perfect sick day show? How do you know what to pick? If you’re sitting at home, trying to decide what to watch while you’re sick, I would love to help!

First, What to Avoid When You’re Sick

The first thing you want to do is avoid anything that is going to make you feel worse.

If you’re dealing with a bad headache, for example, you probably want to avoid something too loud or over-the-top. I know that I never want to watch big action movies when I’ve got a headache because it ends up making things worse. I love the John Wick series, but I’m not going to stream it when my head is pounding.

If you’re feeling nauseated, you might want to avoid movies set at sea or full of gross-out images. I know some people who can’t watch food-related shows when they have an upset stomach, so hold off on watching The Menu until you’re feeling better!

Choose Something Nostalgic

Horatio Hornblower: The Duel
Image Credit: A+E Networks, Celtic Films.

When we’re sick, we often look for comfort. We want to snuggle in bed or on the couch, eat comfort foods that make us feel better, and cozy up in our most comfortable clothes.

Think of entertainment as another way to comfort you when you’re under the weather. What shows or movies make you feel good, like a warm blanket or a bowl of hot soup?

For years, one of my go-to series when I have a cold is the old BBC miniseries Horatio Hornblower, which originally aired when I was in high school. There’s something about the slow pace, the soothing music, and the nostalgia of watching two of my high school crushes (Ioan Gruffudd and Jamie Bamber) sailing on the Indefatigable that makes me feel nostalgic and comfy.

TV shows you grew up with or used to watch constantly are a great choice when you’re sick.

I know everyone is going to have a different list of shows that make them feel nostalgic, but here are some popular nostalgia options for a sick day: The Office, Parks & Recreation, Doctor Who, Cheers, Seinfeld, Sex and the City, Buffy the Vampire Slayer, and just about any old Law & Order series.

Find Something That Will Distract You

Game of Thrones
Image Credit: Home Box Office.

If you’re not feeling comforted by a nostalgic show, consider something that will distract you from how bad you feel on your sick day.

To go this route, choose something binge-worthy that you’ve never watched before — something that will capture your interest and keep you distracted all day long.

Did you always plan to watch Game of Thrones but you never started it because there were so many episodes to get through? Is there a series you’ve been putting off because you haven’t had time? Your sick day may be the perfect time to power through a bunch of episodes!

If you’re not sure where to start, here are some of the most binge-worthy shows that you can stream on your sick day: Game of Thrones, Stranger Things, Andor, The White Lotus, Ted Lasso, Umbrella Academy, and Succession.

Choose Something You Don’t Have to Pay Attention To

This last strategy is for when you know in advance that you’re not going to be paying close attention to whatever you’re streaming on your sick day.

Maybe you’re feeling pretty bad and can’t really concentrate on a show, but you still want the noise and the distraction. Maybe you’re planning to doze on and off and don’t want to worry about catching up on what you missed. Regardless of the reason, sometimes you just want something on TV that doesn’t need your constant attention to make sense.

In this category, I recommend nature shows, HGTV remodeling shows, and cooking competitions. I especially like Nailed It! on Netflix for this kind of viewing.

Buzzfeed even put together a “background noise” list with 21 shows that you can play without paying much attention. Their list includes The Joy of Painting, Forensic Files, Friends, and Gilmore Girls.

Whatever you choose to watch on your sick day, I hope you feel better soon!