Every Greta Gerwig Movie Ranked by IMDb – Including Barbie

Archie Fenn
Written By Archie Fenn

Archie is a writer, journalist, and critic from South London. He spends most of his free time (and his work hours) watching and writing about cowboys in space and hip-hop samurai. His parents are very proud of him. You can learn more at archiefenn.com and theinsightfulnerd.com

Despite her relatively short filmography, Greta Gerwig has established herself as a mainstay in Hollywood, especially in 2023 with the recent release of the pop-culture phenom Barbie.

But how do her films rank against each other? Which are worth watching? Spoiler alert, all of them are worth watching.

Nights and Weekends (2008) – 6.0

Nights and Weekends
Image Credit: IFC Films

Greta Gerwig’s directorial debut, Nights and Weekends sees Gerwig star in the leading role, as well as co-writing and co-directing the film alongside the film’s other lead Joe Swanberg (You’re Next). Nights and Weekends explores the uneasy, growing tension that is put on couples as they attempt to survive a long-distance relationship. Nights and Weekends shows a lot of potential for what is to come but is definitively Gerwig’s weakest film in her filmography. However, it’s understandable, given it’s her debut.

Lady Bird (2017) – 7.4

Lady Bird
Image Credit: A24

The film that truly established Gerwig as a force to be reckoned with in the director’s chair, Lady Bird is a massive jump in quality from her debut. Nominated for 5 Oscars, including Best Motion Picture, Best Director, and Best Actress for its lead Saoirse Ronan, Lady Bird is a hilariously honest coming-of-age story that explores the growing divide between mother and daughter as teenage years turn into adulthood.

Little Women (2019) – 7.8

Little Women
Image Credit: Columbia Pictures

From Oscar Nominee to Oscar Winner, Little Women was nominated for six Oscars in 2020 and won one for Best Costume Design. Based on the acclaimed novel by Louisa May Alcott, Little Women is Gerwig’s second collaboration with Saoirse Ronan and explores the seeming juxtaposition between love and independence set in 1860s Massachusetts.

Barbie (2023) – 7.5

Image Credit: Warner Bros. Entertainment

Even with its criminally low IMDb rating, Barbie definitively stands out as Gerwig’s best work and is a strong contender for the best film of 2023. Based on the iconic Mattel doll, Gerwig’s Barbie explores concepts of feminism, masculinity, independence, and self-perfectionism through a surprisingly complex lens and balances its mature themes with its childlike sense of wonder perfectly. Add to that a killer cast and catchy soundtrack, and Barbie is a surefire hit and a must-watch.

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