They Did What Now? 10 Movies With Dumb Reasons That Kick Off the Plot

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Written By William Butterworth

Will Butterworth first started reporting on entertainment news when he was a kid in Barney pajamas giving news reports to his parents while sitting in a cardboard box. Now, he still sits in a cardboard box, but his audience has grown in number (at least that's what his mom tells him). Entertainment junkies unite!

Ever thought a dumb reason could set a movie plot in motion? Explore the fun side of cinematic absurdity with our top 10 movies that start with dumb reasons. Click for laughs, unexpected surprises, and a new watchlist!

1. Fargo (1996)

Image Credit: MGM

When a car salesman is in desperate need of money, he decides the best course of action is to kidnap someone. The plot is ludicrous at best but what really makes it dumb is that basically everyone knew it was a bad idea from the start. Yet, they went through with it, anyway, and they got someone killed. If only there were other ways of earning money, no?

2. Limitless (2011)

Image Credit: Rogue Pictures

The idea of a man who takes a pill to become the smartest man in the world seems interesting. But when you find out that the smartest man in the world forgot that he owed money to the Russian mob, that’s when the plot starts to become a bit silly.

3. Transformers (2007)

Image Credit: Dreamworks Pictures

The whole reason the Decepticons were after Sam is because they wanted the glasses. However, Sam was selling the glasses. The Decepticons could have just bought them and gone on their merry way to destroying the world.

4. 2012 (2009)

Image Credit: Columbia Pictures

2012 is a disaster movie that sees the entire world coming apart. Yet, the reason why the world comes apart does not make sense. It’s because of a new neutrino that arrives on Earth. Neutrinos are one of the most stable properties in the world which is why they’re the building blocks of the universe. It makes no sense at all for a neutrino to suddenly mutate.

5. Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice (2016)

Batman v Superman Dawn of Justice
Image Credit: Warner Bros. Entertainment Inc

The entire movie could have occurred in just a few minutes if Batman hadn’t assumed that Superman was evil. If Batman had just talked to Superman instead of immediately going to fight him, then there wouldn’t have even been a movie. A very flimsy kickoff for the plot of a film.

6. The Purge (2013)

The Purge
Image Credit: Universal Pictures

While the idea of The Purge is interesting, realistically, it would never happen. There’s no way that the different representatives in federal, state, and local governments would all agree to something like the purge. It’s even less likely that someone would turn off their security knowing that people were going around killing each other. There’s a lot the audience member has to disbelieve in order to watch the movie.

7. John Wick (2014)

John Wick
Image Credit: Summit Entertainment

While John Wick has an incredible franchise, it’s almost crazy to think that the story never would have kicked off if Wick’s dog hadn’t been killed. Yet, it did, and now we can enjoy watching Keanu Reeves kick butt. If everyone had left the dog alone, then there wouldn’t have been a movie.

8. Star Wars: Episode VIII – The Last Jedi (2017)

Star Wars Episode VIII The Last Jedi
Image Credit: Lucasfilm Ltd

Most of the plot revolves around how a large ship can’t out-fly the enemy ships. There’s a lot that needs to not just exist for this to be the case. The ship doesn’t have an auto-pilot, so everyone can escape? All the ships just so happen to be only capable of the same top speed? There isn’t any transport off the ship even though Finn and company just took one to leave the ship? It’s all flimsy at best.

9. Jurassic Park (1993)

Jurassic Park
Image Credit: Universal Pictures

You know what would have likely kept people alive in Jurassic Park? An IT department with some support. That’s exactly what the IT department asked for from Hammond before the park opened. Hammond, in his rush to get the park up and operational, didn’t listen. If only he had given them the budget they needed.

10. Don’t Worry Darling (2022)

Dont Worry Darling
Image Credit: New Line Cinema

There are a lot of reasons why someone might choose to live in a simulated world. The reason why the main character finds herself there is pretty ridiculous. Her husband ends up becoming jealous because she’s taking on more work hours while he stays at home without work.

Instead of trying harder to find a job or looking outside of his comfort zone, he decides to force her into becoming the perfect, stay-at-home, wife in a simulated world.

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